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Massage Therapy

Massage therapist Morris, Christie OlhoftWhether you have tense muscles and joints, pain, or are simply looking to relax, our massage therapist Christie is here for you.

Christie has her own practice right next door to our offices. She’s proud to offer patients a variety of massage services, including deep tissue.

Christie takes a unique approach to each patient she welcomes, getting to know them and their ultimate goals. Before your massage begins, she’ll ask you questions to learn more about what brought you in and your ultimate goals from care.

From there, she’ll talk about the best massage for you and the areas of focus. All you have to do is lay back and relax.

Benefits of Massage

Massage therapy is designed to reduce tension and inflammation in your body, breaking up knots to help improve function and mobility. Christie believes that massage therapy is 50% physical and 50% mental-not only does she want to create healing and relaxation in your body, but also aims to bring calmness to your mental state. After all, you won’t move good unless you’re feeling good. We welcome patients of all walks of life to give massage a try.

Many patients have experienced positive results relating to:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Ligament damage
  • Sports injury
  • Relaxation
  • And more

Learn More Today

Ready to find out how massage therapy can help you live a healthier and more relaxed life? We’d love to speak with you today. Contact us to book a half hour or hour-long session with our therapist, Christie.

We can’t wait to welcome you into our care.


Massage Therapy Morris, Hancock, Herman, Chokio MN | (320) 589-1541